Monday, December 22, 2008

Resistance v. Rebellious

Yesterday in conversation someone shared with me that as of late they have been experiencing a resistance to some of the things God was calling them to do. As the person spoke I began to realize that many times we mistake a hesitance to do the will of God (or to answer a call on our lives) as a rebellious spirit when in fact it is merely a sign of the reverence we have for God. For example if God calls you to preach and speak a word unto the nations and you immediate response is to get all happy and start trying to preach every chance you get to testify or to speak than chances are you haven't yet realized the seriousness of the portion of ministry God has given you. When you realize that not only with greater gifts and callings there comes greater responsibilities and to whom much is given much is required than you tend to calm down. Your approach is slower because you realize that souls are at stake and you don't want to do anything that would jeopardize God's plan. You also realize that the more effective you are for God the more the enemy (the Devil) will try to attack you. Even in the bible you see how the lives of the prophets and other men (and women) of God were full of suffering. Because they that will live holy shall suffer persecution. And I believe it is natural when understanding that ministry is not about grandstanding but it is about service and suffering, for the flesh to resist. Who wants to suffer? But does it mean your rebellious? Certainly not. Just remember to do the will of God despite of what you feel, because when God has a will for something it's going to be done the hard way or the easy way. But you can ask Brother Jonas about that!


  1. The Sanctum. Very Creative. I really enjoy this post. Resistance vs. Rebellious. I was just thinking about the concept of answering to God's calling the other day. God has a plan for each and every one of us.

    Sometimes we fight it, but in the we need to answer his calling. You give a really good example of this in your blog post. Keep up the good work.


  2. Well the plan is to get up there with you Mr.Betterson!
